Friday, April 23, 2010

Another day

Hello again.
I woke up this morning on my two mattresses on the floor (my bed, my place to sleep for the last 2 years.) and I thought about the day I would have today, which is the same as yesterday, and the day before that.
As I said in my first post, I don't have a job, I realized though I'm ready for one.
I walked into the place where I worked as a volunteer(Lifeline) and I realized how much I missed it there, the people had changed and so had the shop, but I missed working, been around people and I want that back.
Another job I applied for 2 weeks ago, haven't heard anything back yet.
I have sent away for hundreds of jobs in the last 2 years, my resume isn't crash hot, I only have lifeline as experience and a cert 2 in Retail, so a lot of the time I don't even hear back.
When I do, I walk in, I must admit not alluding a lot of confidence, they take one look at me and I can see their eyes shut off, not looking at the fact that through Lifeline I do have experience, but looking at me, I or rather my blubberbody is not good enough for their companies.
I am over my panic attacks for work now, but am feeling deflated, thinking I might go to TAFE.

1 comment:

  1. That's good you're ready for a job.

    Lifeline seems to be good experience.

    Yes, companies do have their own image, don't they?

    Found you from Wandering Soul and thought I would say hello.
